At Gallerist, you can register, do the listing, upload your artwork & start selling your artwork online at a minimal registration fee of Rs 999/-We promote our Verified artists.
At Gallerist, We promote the artwroks on our social media platforms.
Artists have the right to price their artwork, own and manage their personal accounts and upload as many artworks as they want.
Focused buyer segment:
We are not only focusing on normal buyers, but also targetting art collectors who place frequent and repeated orders. We also promote Gallerist among such buyers through online and offline promotions.
Strong online promotion strategy :
We have a dedicated team of more than 15 members to promote Gallerist online aggressively to get the maximum buyers from social Media and various search Engines.
Verified Artist Concept:
Only Gallerist has a concept of verifying the artists based on basic criteria like number of paintings, document verification etc. This gives the buyer the much needed confidence on the quality of the artwork and helps in increasing their buying tendancy.